Standard Check Test (SCT)

The only purpose of the SCT is to ensure that an acceptable standard of instruction is being carried out. This should be no more or no less than what you would normally do for any other driving lesson.

A DVSA-appointed examiner will sit in your car and observe the driving lesson. He or she will watch and listen to you carry out the lesson while making notes. Based on the information you give the examiner before the test, the examiner will see if the lesson you are conducting is structured to the pupil’s specific needs and level. The examiner will also be watching for competence in various aspects of your teaching techniques.

You don’t have to bring your ‘star’ pupil for the test. Don’t. This test aims to assess your ability to teach, not your pupil’s ability to drive. The lesson must be tailored to the pupil’s level. Whether a pupil is a novice, partly trained, or test standard. Teaching must take place. Many instructors make the same old mistake of taking a very good driver to the test and then start teaching them stuff they already know. Then, to make matters worse, they ask the pupils questions unrelated to the subject meant to be covered. In many cases, questions are not even being asked; pupils are just told what to do and where to go without real interaction. Inevitably, the instructor gets a low grade.

Train with us

With as little as a two-hour lesson with us, we can ensure that we’ll give you the best advice on conducting the lesson for your chosen pupil. We’ll guide you in the right direction, correct any errors in your teaching (privately, of course, not in the presence of your pupil), and ensure you get the Grade A you so deserve.

The price for each lesson is £45 per hour


At the end of the test, the examiner will discuss the test with you, give you his or her feedback, raise any issues or concerns, if there are any, and then grade you accordingly.

The marks are out of 51 points:

If you score 51 – 43, you will achieve a Grade A (85% or over) = An overall high standard of instruction

If you score 42 – 31, you will achieve a Grade B (60% or over) = A sufficient level of competence

If you score 30 or less, you will FAIL (Less than 60%) = An unsatisfactory performance